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Dry Blood- Another Layer to Nutritional Blood Analysis
Are you familiar with dry blood analysis? This is another portion of a nutritional blood analysis that provides additional insight into...

30 Spoonfuls to Gut Health
I’ll be the first to admit it, this past year I fell off the bandwagon. Perhaps, like me, someone in your household also caught the...

Your Immune System Seen Through Live Blood Analysis
Did you know that you can learn a lot about your immune system by using live blood analysis? Right now a lot of us are trying to take...

Baby Days
I'm happy to announce that little Baby Palmer has made it's way into the world and we are both home and healthy! I was lucky to have a...

What We Don't Know Can Keep Us Sick
Awhile back I had a client bring me her lab results from her doctor. The reference range her doctor used had shown all her results were...

Ionic Foot Detox and Autism
I would like to start this blog with a moment of honesty and vulnerability about my work and the content that follows. My expertise is...

It's A Sticky Situation
Have you ever heard your doctor talk about your platelet count and wonder why that might be important? A person can have either too...

Rest and Digest- Reset!
Have you heard of the fight or flight response? Think about a time in your life when you dealt with a stressful situation... You might...

New Year, New You?
2019 is here, and it seems everywhere I go I see the slogan "New Year, New You". I am a big supporter of doing what we can to live...

Soup Du Jour
One of my biggest goals is to not let vegetables spoil at the house. I'm actually kind of a nerd about it. It is almost like a game to...
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