Remove toxins, free radicals and body waste
Detox heavy metals
Improve body alkalinity
Benefits of Ionic Foot Detox
Pain Relief: less joint stiffness, less headaches, less knee pain, less foot pain, less general muscle pain
Increased Energy
Improved Sleep
Improved Digestion
Toxin Reduction
Decreased Swelling
Circulatory System Improvement
Reduced Weight
Skin Improvements
Emotional Improvements
Respiratory Improvements
Misconceptions of Ionic Foot Baths:
The water changes colors because of toxins eliminated by the feet.
During the session, the water in the basin will always change to a brown/ orange color due to the electrolytic reaction. When feet are in the water the colors are affected by oils being released from the sebaceous glands, the dead skin cells, and the user's own acidity/ alkalinity. Color changes should not be the main focus of the session.
During a session the feet detox heavy metals.
The presence of negative ions in the body mainly helps the body rid itself of toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation and sweating. Only some toxins leave the body through the pores of the feet. Most detoxification happens three days after your session.