Ionic Foot Detox and Autism
I would like to start this blog with a moment of honesty and vulnerability about my work and the content that follows. My expertise is not in autism in any way shape or form. For most of you that have worked with me, you know that I specialize in digestion and the stress response system. This blog post is not to make any claims to my knowledge or experience in this subject matter, but simply to share what I am currently learning with parents needing this information and possibly get feedback from parents who have already used this healing technique. If I say anything offensive or insensitive, I apologize upfront.
Since adding in the ionic foot detox to my practice, I have been unable to help but constantly stumble upon information about the benefits of this detox with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. There have been a few studies conducted that were especially of interest.
1. In 2015, a study was done with 28 children by TMR (Thinking Mom's Revolution). TMR consists of a group of moms and dads who parent children on the autism spectrum. "The primary mission of TMR is to share their stories and inspire hope by spreading the message that biomedical and alternative interventions are effective in treating children with autism." ( The conclusion of this study showed that on average, children using ionic foot detox for 30 days showed a reduction in ATEC scores (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist), by 14%. ATEC is one assessment tool used for evaluating treatment effectiveness for individuals on the autism spectrum. After 4 months the average reduction in ATEC scores was 35%.
2. Later that year the TMR conducted a second 120 day study with 27 new children. This study included an older age range, so that teenagers up to 19 years old were able to participate. This time ATEC scores reduced on average by 55%! The main difference in this study was that the frequency and length of the sessions increased from study #1. Teenagers (age group 13- 19) seemed to benefit the most from this study showing a 64% reduction. This is significant because it is a common belief that there is nothing that can be done for children on the spectrum after they reach a certain age.

I highly encourage you to read the testimonials from parents that participated in this study. Find study & testimonials here.
3. The final study I would like to mention is an IRB Study on Metal Secretion. There were 28 participants ranging in ages 2-18 that had all been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. During this study urine samples were taken before and after an ionic detox session, to determine how much heavy metals the participants were able to excrete. As of May 2017, they had found a 32% increase in the heavy metals that the participants were able to excrete after only one ionic detox session. The ability to excrete built up heavy metals is important because many people believe, including the members of TMR, that autism is connected with a problem of toxicity that can be addressed and reversed. Tyler Dahm, a Holistic Health Practitioner and a mother of a son on the autism spectrum, goes more into the details of these studies as well as the science of the detox in this video.
I would like to mention that during these studies, participants still used other modalities of treatment. According to Tyler Dahm, the detox allows to clear up the detoxification pathways, so that we can then go in and work on underlying health issues.
I am interested in learning more about the benefits of ionic detox with children diagnosed with autism, and hopefully be able to help out some of the children and parents in our community. Our office already offers package deals, but at the time of writing this blog I am also offering
5 additional free sessions to children on the spectrum
if they purchase a 10 session package, agree to come in for appointments at least 3 times a week, and complete an ATEC periodically during the sessions.
If you would like more information on the science of ionic detoxing check out this blog. I address some of the misconceptions about the ionic detox at the bottom of this page. Unfortunately, people who are uninformed about how the detox actually works, have created a bad reputation for this healing therapy.